On Semi公司的NCP6915是微功耗電源集成電路,集成了高效600mA降壓DC/DC轉換器和動態電壓調節(DVS)以及5個低壓降(LDO)電壓穩壓器,峰值效率96%,輸出電壓從0.8V到2.3V可編,50mV編程量,輸出電流600mA, 400 kHz/3.4 MHz I2C控制接口,特別適合于手持應用子系統如照相機模塊,微處理器和外設設備.本文介紹了NCP6915主要特性和框圖,以及評估板NCP6951EVK主要特性,電路圖,PCB裝配圖和PCB設計圖.
The NCP6915 is part of the ON Semiconductor mini-power management IC family. It is optimized to supply battery powered portable application subsystems such as camera modules, microprocessors or any peripherals. This device integrates one high efficiency 600 mA step-down DC to DC converter with DVS (Dynamic Voltage Scaling) and five low dropout (LDO) voltage regulators in WLCSP-20 1.56 x 1.56 mm package.
1. One DCDC Converter:
? Peak Efficiency 96%
? Programmable Output Voltage from 0.8 V to 2.3 V by 50 mV Steps
? 600 mA Output Current Capability
2. Five Low Noise - Low Dropout Regulators
? Programmable Output Voltage from 1.7 V to 3.3 V for LDOs1,2,3
? Programmable Output Voltage from 1.2 V to 2.85 V for LDO 4 & 5
? 200 mA Output Current Capability: LDO’s 1,2,3& 4
? 300 mA Output Current Capability: LDO 5
? 45 _Vrms Low Output Noise
3. Control
? 400 kHz/3.4 MHz I2C Control Interface
? Hardware Enable Pin
? Customizable Power up Sequencer
4. Extended Input Voltage Range 2.5 V to 5.5 V
? Support of Newest Battery Technologies
5. Optimized Power Efficiency
? 82 _A Very Low Quiescent Current at no Load
? Dynamic Voltage Scaling on DCDC Converter
? Regulators can be Supplied from DCDC Converter Output
6. Small footprint
? Package WLCSP16 1.56 x 1.56 mm2
? DCDC Converter runs at 3.0 MHz using a 1 _H Inductor and10 _F Capacitor or 2.2 _H Inductor and 4.7 _F Capacitor
7. This is a Pb-Free Device
? Cellular Phones
? Digital Cameras
? Personal Digital Assistant and Portable Media Player